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A B O U T  U S

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"Authentic Italian cuisine, just like Nonna used to make."​

Our family has been in the food industry for generations. Throughout all the years, our recipes have remained the same from our handmade focaccia bread to our homestyle lasagna. 

It all started with my great-great grandmother baking bread from her kitchen, in her hometown in Italy to help provide for her family. Myself, I grew up in my parents pizzeria, cooking alongside my family, and I knew I wanted to one day have the same experience with my own children. 

Today, the tradition lives on, with the help of my children, and my mother,  we continue to provide fresh, authentic Italian style meals for everyone to enjoy. â€‹

Same recipes, same traditions, with a new generational twist. 

Antonietta Di Nardo-Evon​


Check us out at pronto.catering7 on our social media platforms to not only find out where to find us but also what new products we have to offer.

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